Monday, February 25, 2013

Hey!!!! Sorry completely forgot to post last week so I'll make sure to add another one for this week!

Anyways, we've continued to talk about courting and dating in this class. Who knew it could be so informative? There's so much more to it that I would have never thought to look at. We also talked about the different aspects of the married life and how they can affect not only those that are married but also those around them like their children. It was interesting to see just how many different factors of marriage can affect children. It was interesting to see that while children are growing up, the way they see their parents behaving influences them quite a bit which actually makes a lot of sense. Children should be influenced by their parents because it is the parents that they should be learning from. Their parents should be the one to teach them what they need to know. It is really sad when parents develop bad habits that ultimately lead to their kids having the same habits because that is what they were raised with and really that is all they know...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Love is in the air....

In Marriage and Family this week, we have been talking about relationships and falling. It seems rather fitting to be discussing this topic considering tomorrow is Valentine's Day. So first of all...Happy Valentine's Day (well early Valentine's Day anyways). As I was doing the reading this week, I found the chapter of falling in love interesting. I think one of the things I read about that I thought was most interesting that men have a higher tendency to have the whole "love-at-first-sight" experience than women. I have always found the idea of falling in love with someone the moment you first see them, to be a female concept.

I also found it intriguing that there were so many different types of love. I always knew that there was the kind of love that a couple felt for one another, and I knew there was the kind of love that friends feel for each other or just people in general. However,  I didn't ever realize that there could be "sub-divisions" within the general categories of love. I had never looked at it that way before. There are some of the sub-sets of love that did make sense, but I found that others didn't as much. For example, it was said that one type of love is "playful love." This kind of love is referring to when it is treated lightly. People who are this way tend to have more sexual partners than people of other grouping. I personally never would have classified this kind of behavior as "love," because of my beliefs and what  I was taught love was.

It has definitely been interesting studying this side of dating and courtship. It has brought a lot of new ideas and perspectives to mind. If anything I think this particular topic has been one the most interesting subjects we've talked about in class. I have actually enjoyed studying the different levels of dating and love in depth.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wow! We just dropped off my sister at the MTC (missionary training center). She is going to be gone 18 months!!! So proud of her for her decision to serve a mission. Best of luck to you Sister Stanfield!!!!!!! <3

Sunday, February 3, 2013

What A Week!!!!

Well, its official! My brother is married!! Originally the date was planned for March 2, 2013; however, Kenny and his fiancĂ© were gracious enough to move the wedding date up so my sister would be able to attend. Mitsue leaves on her mission this Wednesday. Kenny and Heidi were married Friday, February 1, 2013 in the Idaho Falls Temple. It was definitely an emotional experience for me, but I am so happy for my brother! I am so thrilled for him to start his own family and have those experiences.

Mitsue (my sister) has been continuing to prepare for Wednesday. Today was our last day to attend church as a family for a long time. Because it was my sister's last Sunday at home for a year and a half,  I decided to bear my testimony, so she would know that I do have one.  I am so grateful that I did so. It had been quite a while since I had done it. Being up at the pulpit was such a blessing for me. I think more than just bearing my testimony for Mitsue, I think I also needed to hear it. Although I do have one, I think at this point in my life, I needed to hear myself say what I know to be true. What a blessing!!!

I'm so proud of my brother and sister for the decisions they have made. I know I have said this before, but I truly look up to the both of them. They are such examples to me!!!! <3