Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A New Chapter...

So this post doesn't necessarily have to do with anything I learned in Family Relations. It is just mainly to express my appreciation towards my own family. I absolutely love my family. They have always supported me in everything that I do and encourage me to reach my full potential. My parents have always pushed me to do my best and supported me in all I do. I couldn't ask for more from them. I know that I can turn to them for anything. I love having a close relationship with them, as well as my siblings. My sister is definitely my best friend and I am so proud of her!!! She will soon be leaving to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She has been called to serve in the California Roseville Mission. I couldn't be more proud of her!!! She is such an example to me, and I know that she is going to be an amazing missionary!! As for my brother, he, too, is an example to me. He returned from his mission not too long ago and is now preparing to get married. I'm so grateful to have such a close relationship with him. It's weird to think that him serving a mission in Raleigh, North Carolina is what brought us closer but I am so grateful he did. Kenny is my hero! I love my brother and sister with all my heart! I am so excited for this new stage in all of our lives!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Fertility Decisions

This week in class, we discussed the importance of fertility decisions and who it affects. I was so shocked to hear how the rate of children being born has gone down so drastically. So, let me just share what I think about it. There are countless numbers of spirits still waiting to be given the opportunity to come to this earth, still waiting to experience all the wonderful things this world has to offer. If people choose not to have children because they simply don't want them or it just isn't in their plans because they want to focus on their careers or doing whatever they want, they are taking the opportunity away from those that are waiting. I think sometimes we forget that although, yes, the decision to bear children does affect us and our spouse or future spouse, the decision to not have children affects even more people. Think about the generations that are lost when someone decides not to have children. Who's to say that those that weren't born weren't going to want to have their own families?

Friday, January 11, 2013

Introduction to the blog

Hey ya'll :) So I'm looking forward to the experience of blogging. Its definitely something that is new to me and didn't think I would ever do but I'm grateful to be given this opportunity! Just real quick on the whole "Marriage and Family" thing. I can't wait to learn what my class can teach me about preparing for marriage as well as my future family. I love my family and my parents and hope to be able to raise my children in the same manner if not better than I was raised. But don't get me wrong, I have no complaints to how my parents raised me. I'm grateful for the values they raised me with and what they have taught me over these last 18 years.